Contaminant concentrations in biological materials
Toxic metals, such as As and Cd, can be found in low concentrations in biological tissue. One of the challenges faced while determining toxic metals concentrations is pairing reliable digestion methods to liquefy solid tissue with low instrument detection limits. Using the Agilent 8900 QQQ with O2 as a reaction gas we can simultaneously accurately […]
Laser ablation concentration determinations in silicates
Laser ablation characterization of trace elements in mineral separates.
Nanoparticle size distribution analysis
The Agilent 8900 is capable of determining the size distribution of nanoparticles in solution.
Transition metal concentrations in small biological samples
Samples prepared in the metal-free clean lab and analyzed on the triple quadrupole ICP-MS can lead to the detection of <1 ng of transition metal in 5 mg of sample.
Laser elemental concentration mapping in carbonates
In-situ composition determinations of trace elements in naturally occurring carbonates
Turmeric’s unexpected link to lead poisoning in Bangladesh
Stanford Medicine Magazine highlights the work of Dr. Jenna Forsyth and Dr. Steve Luby. Their work identified lead-contaminated spices in Bangledesh with the help of measurements made in the SIGMA Facility.